From a documentary standpoint, the solution notably replaces file servers. With these, in addition to the difficulty of setting up access rights, the information duplication rate was 4 or 5, or even more. Document trees were multiplying and document versioning was impossible. There was a wealth of information, but an overall loss of knowledge. The highly integrated approach proposed by CEO-Vision has seduced us, as the result of commitment to these open source tools. Once the information is intended to be capitalized and shared, or is confidential, the use of GoFAST is required.
Reaping the full benefit of collaborative EDM primarily involves changing work practices. It takes time, energy and resources.
It takes time to think about how work is organized, how to share information and how to collaborate. Having a "human-size provider" has enabled us to benefit from strong listening skills from him. This is a guarantee of success.
Eventually, the solution should also facilitate the sharing of documents from business applications. These increasingly embed on EDM features, for supporting documents for example. We will develop connections between GoFast and these applications, rather than using their own EDM systems.
Director of Information Systems and Digital Uses
@ Region Occitan