Olga Dernovaya

Marketing & Progect/Change Management Director

After her studies in International Management-Marketing, with an interest in new collaborative technologies, Olga joined CEO-Vision (2014), software publisher of GoFAST Digital Workplace. The objective is to support the development of the business and the Change Management services with customers-users. Olga contributed to the strong growth of the software publisher (> 50% / year), which meets the requirements of Key Customers and prestigious Administrations in France (e.g. AIFE – Ministry of Finance, Departments, Regions…) and abroad (e.g. AMRTP, Enabel…). Now she is an expert in digital transformation and AMOA, Olga is a partner of the company and manages complex projects around the GoFAST platform deployment, the file server replacement, the exit of GAFAMs such as MS SharePoint-Office365-Teams, and the implementation of telecommuting which has taken on a central dimension since the beginning of the health crisis..

Olga has a LEA Bachelor’s degree in International Business (English, Spanish and Russian) and a Master’s degree in International Marketing and Management; she graduated from the University of Rennes II.


45% Marketing Direction
45% Drupal
45% Progect/Change Management Direction
45% Drupal
10% Sales management
10% Drupal
Results :
45% Project Management
45% B
10% C

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